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  We are investigating issues in the backend. Your shares and hashrate are safe and we will fix things ASAP.

  • Payouts disabled, you will not receive any coins to your offline wallet for the time being
  • Round Statistics
    Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
    ID 246,248 PPLNS Shares 8,272,636
    Height 1,673,297 Estimated Shares 8,711,354
    Amount 0.1953125 Target Variance 105.30 %
    Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 8,401,203
    Difficulty 132.9247151663 Average Efficiency 103.69 %
    Time 2020-06-30 08:25:07 Target Rounds 10
    Shares 1,795,328 Seconds This Round 93
    Finder yotma Round Variance 21.70 %
    Round Transactions
    User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
    yotma 524,288 29.20 3,276,800 39.61 135.64 0.07736345
    Focus 660,480 36.79 2,522,110 30.49 82.87 0.05954568
    toticointy 524,288 29.20 2,097,150 25.35 86.81 0.04951261
    locomdata 81,920 4.56 360,448 4.36 95.49 0.00850998
    klapwijk 2,304 0.13 8,960 0.11 84.40 0.00021154
    AmazingDreams 2,048 0.11 7,168 0.09 75.96 0.00016923
    Round Shares
    Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
    1 Focus 660,480 1,024 0.16
    2 toticointy 524,288 131,072 25.00
    3 yotma 524,288 131,072 25.00
    4 locomdata 81,920 0 0.00
    5 klapwijk 2,304 0 0.00
    6 AmazingDreams 2,048 0 0.00
    PPLNS Round Shares
    Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
    1 yotma 3,276,800 131,072 4.00
    2 Focus 2,522,110 2,048 0.08
    3 toticointy 2,097,150 131,072 6.25
    4 locomdata 360,448 32,768 9.09
    5 klapwijk 8,960 0 0.00
    6 AmazingDreams 7,168 0 0.00